Conductor (class field theory)

In algebraic number theory, the conductor of a finite abelian extension of local or global fields provides a quantitative measure of the ramification in the extension. The definition of the conductor is related to the Artin map.


Local conductor

Let L/K be a finite abelian extension of non-archimedean local fields. The conductor of L/K, denoted \mathfrak{f}(L/K), is the smallest non-negative integer n such that the higher unit group U_K^{(n)} is contained in NL/K(L×), where NL/K is field norm map.[1] Equivalently, n is smallest such that the local Artin map is trivial on U_K^{(n)}. Sometimes, the conductor is defined as


where n is as above and \mathfrak{m}_K is the maximal ideal of K.[2]

The conductor of an extension measures the ramification. Qualitatively, the extension is unramified if, and only if, the conductor is zero,[3] and it is tamely ramified if, and only if, the conductor is 1.[4] More precisely, the conductor computes the non-triviality of higher ramification groups: if s is the largest integer for which the "lower-numbering" higher ramification group Gs is non-trivial, then \mathfrak{f}(L/K)=\eta_{L/K}(s)%2B1, where ηL/K is the function that translates from "lower-numbering" to "upper-numbering" of higher ramification groups.[5]

The conductor of L/K is also related to the Artin conductors of characters of the Galois group Gal(L/K). Specifically,[6]


where χ varies over all multiplicative complex characters of Gal(L/K), \mathfrak{f}_\chi is the Artin conductor of χ, and lcm is the least common multiple.

More general fields

The conductor can be defined in the same way for L/K a not necessarily abelian finite Galois extension of local fields.[7] However, it only depends on Lab/K, the maximal abelian extension of K in L, because of the "norm limitation theorem", which states that, in this situation,[8][9]


Additionally, the conductor can be defined when L and K are allowed to be slightly more general than local, namely if they are complete valued fields with quasi-finite residue field.[10]

Archimedean fields

Mostly for the sake of global conductors, the conductor of the trivial extension R/R is defined to be 0, and the conductor of the extension C/R is defined to be 1.[11]

Global conductor

Algebraic number fields

The conductor of an abelian extension L/K of number fields can be defined, similarly to the local case, using the Artin map. Specifically, let θ : Im → Gal(L/K) be the global Artin map where m is a defining modulus for L/K, then the conductor of L/K, denoted \mathfrak{f}(L/K), is the smallest modulus such that θ factors through the ray class group modulo \mathfrak{f}(L/K).[12][13] It can also be defined as the greatest common divisor of all defining moduli of θ.


\mathfrak{f}\left(\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{d})/\mathbf{Q}\right) = \begin{cases}
\left|\Delta_{\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{d})}\right| & \text{for }d>0 \\
\infty\left|\Delta_{\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{d})}\right| & \text{for }d<0
where \Delta_{\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{d})} is the discriminant of \mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{d})/\mathbf{Q}.

Relation to local conductors and ramification

The global conductor is the product of local conductors:[15]

\displaystyle \mathfrak{f}(L/K)=\prod_\mathfrak{p}\mathfrak{p}^{\mathfrak{f}(L_\mathfrak{p}/K_\mathfrak{p})}.

As a consequence, a finite prime is ramified in L/K if, and only if, it divides \mathfrak{f}(L/K).[16] An infinite prime v occurs in the conductor if, and only if, v is real and becomes complex in L.


  1. ^ Serre 1967, §4.2
  2. ^ As in Neukirch 1999, definition V.1.6
  3. ^ Neukirch 1999, proposition V.1.7
  4. ^ Milne 2008, I.1.9
  5. ^ Serre 1967, §4.2, proposition 1
  6. ^ Artin & Tate 2009, corollary to theorem XI.14, p. 100
  7. ^ As in Serre 1967, §4.2
  8. ^ Serre 1967, §2.5, proposition 4
  9. ^ Milne 2008, theorem III.3.5
  10. ^ As in Artin & Tate 2009, §XI.4. This is the situation in which the formalism of local class field theory works.
  11. ^ Cohen 2000, definition 3.4.1
  12. ^ Milne 2008, remark V.3.8
  13. ^ Some authors omit infinite places from the conductor, e.g. Neukirch 1999, §VI.6
  14. ^ Milne 2008, example V.3.11
  15. ^ For the finite part Neukirch 1999, proposition VI.6.5, and for the infinite part Cohen 2000, definition 3.4.1
  16. ^ Neukirch 1999, corollary VI.6.6
